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Mudanzas in Spanish literature, Gil Stauffer as number one protagonist



There are many writers which have included Gil Stauffer at some point in their literary careers, making this mark in protagonist of certain removals which were inserted into the plot of his famous plays. And it is not surprising that this ensign became a frequent literary device, since Gil Stauffer is an exponent of the History of Spainsince its founding dates back to the year 1905. It is a brand that has been in existence for more than a century and, as a result, remains tattooed in the memory of several generations as a synonymous with moving.

The search engine Google shows in its "Books"and in connection with the search "Gil Stauffer"a good list of works and references. Thus, Gil Stauffer appears, for example, in the novel "The Fortune of Matilda Turpin"published in 2006 and for which the famous author Álvaro Pombo received the Planeta Prize.

There are also mentions in the novel "I want a Son of July"by the author Angel Palomino (1986), in the play "At the end of the rope" of Alfonso Paso (1962); in the compilation "Complete works, Volume 2 from Carmen Gaite"by the author José Teruel Benavente (2002); in the epistolary novel "Variable cloudiness"(1992) written by the aforementioned writer. Another scene can be found in the book "Cela: the man I saw cry"(2002) by Gaspar Sánchez Salaswho was the personal secretary of the celebrated Camilo José Cela. And in 2005 Martin Grove published his autobiographical experience entitled "The Paititi revelations"also mentioning Gil Stauffer in its plot. In addition, honouring the genre of fiction, we find the title ".The last day before tomorrow", which written by Eduard Marquez and published in 2011 also introduces a few lines related to this century-old ensign.

In addition, Gil Stauffer appears in other curious books such as the  volume 43 on "Civil Jurisprudence" (1955); in the "Madrid City Guide"(1976) and in the "Barcelona City Guide"(1975); as well as in the weekly bulletin "Spanish trade information"(1982); in the catalogue of the "Cervantes Awards"(1992); in the "Yearbook of Aragon, Rioja, Navarra, Alava, Guipuzcoa and Biscay"(1964); in a Handbook on "Foreign PolicyVolume 8, Numbers 37-38"(1994); and in the "American Import Export BulletinVolume 80" (1974), in the Sales ranking of the top 100 franchises by sales of Spain, with the 59th placein the 2000-2001 financial year in the book "Distribution and Franchising: Business Opportunities in the Face of the Impact of Globalisation/Globalisation"; as well as a selection of articles published in Diary 16entitled "With Spain in tow"(1995) and written by the prestigious journalist  Manuel Martín Ferrand. On the other hand, there is a long etcetera of prints in art exhibition catalogues that point to Gil Stauffer as the company in charge of the transport and assembly of these events in various national and international events. And the Newspaper Library is full of historical references to Gil Stauffer.

On the other hand, Charo ÁlvaroCommunication Director of Gil Staufferwrote a book entitled "Boxes of lives"in which scenes related to storage and removals decorated various stories to commemorate the Centenary of the brand in 2005.

All this shows that this brand is invested with a special magic and tends to be historically associated with the brand as a the largest Spanish reference in the removals sector.

Since 1905, our greatest satisfaction has been your satisfaction.

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